Uveal Effusion Syndrome (UES)
Definition = Idiopathic cause of choroidal detachment that may be a/w nanophthalmos and increased scleral thickness (eg. hypermetropia).
Epidemiology – middle aged males, 65% bilateral.
Pathophysiology (theories) – hydrostatic or inflammatory
REMEMBER – this is a diagnosis of EXCLUSION!
Differential diagnosis:
Posterior uveitis
Hypotony after glaucoma surgery
Intraocular lymphoma
Choroidal neoplasia
Postoperative infallmation
Clinical features:
Gradual superior visual field loss
Blurred vision or metamorphopsia
Exudative RD
Leopard spots
Relapsed and remitting
ONH oedema – sometimes
CSR with multiple RPE detachments
Diagnostic tools:
B-scan USS – choroid/sclera is thickened. Rule out RD.
FAF – leopard spots.
Enhanced depth OCT – increased choroidal thickness.
Oral, periocular or topical steroids – UES with normal axial length & normal scleral thickness – 95% resolution but 5% need scleral window Sx (see reference below for Sx steps)