Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO)
Occurs when medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) on one side is damaged.
Older pts – think Brainstem stroke, tumour, infection, inflammation
Younger pts – think Multiple sclerosis
Wernicke’s encephalopathy
Pernicious anaemia
Loss of ADDuction of the SAME eye on the LATERAL gaze to the other side.
Symptoms – diplopia (side gaze) ; oscillopsia ; brainstem disease symp (vertigo, limb weakness).
UNILATERAL INO – exotropia (primary position) ; decreased ADDuction on same eye (convergence – adduction improves) ; adducting nystagmus of other eye
BILATERAL INO – LARGE exotropia ; decreased ADDuction in both eyes ; WEBINO (wall-eyed binocular INO)
Differentials: Partial CN 3 palsy or myasthenia gravis
MS – resolves itself
Urgent referral to neurologist
MRI brain + contrast
Right INO
Image courtesy of (image used for educational purpose)